How to Take a Screenshot on Macbook

Here's how to take a screenshot on a Macbook without using additional applications.
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Here's how to take a screenshot on a Macbook without using additional applications. You can use several key combinations to capture screenshots on a Macbook. Are you someone who recently switched from a Windows laptop to a Macbook? If so, here are some handy tips for you, especially if you're new to using a Macbook.

One of the tips I'll share is how to take a screenshot on a Macbook. A screenshot is essentially taking a picture of your laptop or smartphone screen directly on the device. This means you don't need to use a camera to capture what's on the screen of your laptop or smartphone. The results tend to be better because the screenshot is taken directly from the device's operating system that you're using.

Methods for taking screenshots on a Macbook:

  1. Capturing the entire screen:

    To take a screenshot of the entire screen, you need to press the following key combination:
    Shift + Command + 3.
    The screenshot will instantly appear in the corner of the screen. You can edit the screenshot or wait for it to be saved on the desktop.

  2. Capturing a portion of the screen:

    To capture a portion of the screen on a Macbook, press the following key combination:
    Shift + Command + 4.
    This will bring up a cursor that you can use to select a specific area of the screen. Drag the cursor to determine the area you want to capture in the screenshot. Press the Esc key to cancel taking the screenshot. Once the screenshot area is selected, the result will be saved on the desktop.

  3. Capturing a specific window or menu:

    To capture a specific window or menu, press the following key combination:
    Shift + Command + 4 + Spacebar.
    After pressing these keys, a camera icon will appear. You can then take a screenshot of a specific window or menu by using the similar icon that appears on your screen. Press the Esc key to cancel taking the screenshot. Once the screenshot is successfully taken, it will be saved on the desktop.

Usually, the screenshots taken on a Macbook are saved on the desktop with the name "Screen Shot [date] at [time].png". So, you can check your desktop to find the screenshots that have been previously taken.

Easy, right? You can give it a try right now!

About the Author

Ordinary People

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